Hackerrank – Problem description
The problem description – Hackerrank.
I created an array of all positive numbers, which satisfy conditions specified in problem statement. This set should contain elements from to
. I filter all numbers from the set that are valid for an equation
The array of positive numbers can be reduced. It could only contain numbers ranging from to
(included). If an arbitrary number
is divisible with
– all elements less than
are not divisible without a remainder. The same holds for
. There would be a remainder for all numbers greater than
I created solution in:
All solutions are also available on my GitHub profile.
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import scala.io.Source object BetweenTwoSets extends App { val lines = Source.stdin.getLines().toList val a = lines(1).split(" ").map(_.toInt) val b = lines(2).split(" ").map(_.toInt) val allNumbers = (a.max to b.min).toList val x = allNumbers.filter(num => a.forall(i => num % i == 0) && b.forall(j => j % num == 0)) println(x.size) } |
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import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.IntStream; public class BetweenTwoSets { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); String firstLine = stdin.nextLine(); List<integer> a = Arrays.stream(stdin.nextLine().split(" ")).map(Integer::parseInt).collect(Collectors.toList()); List<integer> b = Arrays.stream(stdin.nextLine().split(" ")).map(Integer::parseInt).collect(Collectors.toList()); int aMax = a.stream().max((Integer o1, Integer o2) -> o1 - o2).get(); int bMin = b.stream().min((Integer o1, Integer o2) -> o1 - o2).get(); List<integer> result = IntStream.range(aMax, bMin + 1).filter(num -> a.stream().allMatch(i -> num % i == 0) && b.stream().allMatch(j -> j % num == 0)) .mapToObj(i -> i).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(result.size()); stdin.close(); } } </integer></integer></integer> |
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'use strict'; const range = (start, end) => { const ret = []; for(let i = start; i <= end; i++) { ret.push(i); } return ret; } const processData = input => { const lines = input.split('\n'); const a = lines[1].split(' ').map(i => parseInt(i)); const b = lines[2].split(' ').map(i => parseInt(i)); const aMax = Math.max(...a); const bMin = Math.min(...b); const result = range(aMax, bMin).filter(num => a.every(i => num % i === 0) && b.every(j => j % num === 0)); console.log(result.length); }; process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding("ascii"); let _input = ""; process.stdin.on("data", input => _input += input); process.stdin.on("end", () => processData(_input)); |
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(n, m) = gets.split.map(&:to_i) a = gets.split.map(&:to_i) b = gets.split.map(&:to_i) a_max = a.max b_min = b.min all_numbers = (a_max..b_min).to_a result = all_numbers.select do |num| factor_of_a = a.all? { |i| num % i == 0 } factor_of_b = b.all? { |j| j % num == 0 } factor_of_a && factor_of_b end puts result.size |