Hackerrank – Project Euler+ #003 – Largest prime factor

Hackerrank – Problem description The problem description – Hackerrank. Solution We can use the algorithm where we find out a list of all prime number divisor – prime factorization. Let find the beginning prime number. The smallest prime number is 2. We divide the given number with actual divisor (actual prime number) until the division […]

Hackerrank – Project Euler+ #002 – Even Fibonacci numbers

Hackerrank – Problem description The problem description – Hackerrank. Solution We will calculate Fibonacci numbers sequence using known algorithm. If the next number is even, add it to the result sum. We end up calculations when the next Fibonacci number is greater than upper number constraint. I created solution in: Ruby All solutions are also […]

Hackerrank – Project Euler+ #001 – Multiples of 3 and 5

Hackerrank – Problem description The problem description – Hackerrank. Solution There is N defined as the maximum constraint. We could start from 3 to N and sum all numbers divisible by 3 and 5 (using modulo operation). Unfortunately this is not correct solution, because there are some numbers which are summed 2 times. These numbers […]